Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Super Grand Jury

Once again, I am a jury member that considers whether or not to indict Obama on charges of fraud and treason. This jury has over 270 members nationwide and carries some importance.

Our last jury had 58 members.

Obama's eligibility is on trial beginning January 11th!

Go, patriots.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's time for a Tucson-wide T.E.A. party!

Tucsonans unite! A MAJOR event is coming to TEP! Sign up now!


Fact or fiction?

Corruption in the USA is leading to a 'New World Order' or world-wide government. Do you want to be RULED? Take action. Take a stand.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Obama... coward.

So, for 2 months now, the Iranians have held 3 of our citizens hostage for accidentally hiking a short distance across their border (unknowingly). Obama is pleading like a little schoolgirl for Iran to drop its Nuke program.

What a coward. Does this remind you of Jimmy Carter? Hmmmmmmm?

Obama is merely a naive college professor. What a joke that Americans voted this traitor into office.

Leftist journalists in the fringe media (NBC, CBS, ABC & the like) on a roll...

The fringe media speaks well of radical leftist activists at G-20, the opposite of reporting on T.E.A. party protesters.

The difference? Leftist G-20 protesters attacked police and military personnel. They didn't threaten or take a stand... the literally attacked. The leftist protesters are considered by the fringe media to merely be enthusiastic.

T.E.A. party protesters are made up of middle-America... Democrats, Republicans, and Independents that take a VERBAL stand against government corruption.

You can see how the former 'Big Media' has earned its new title, the Fringe Media. No one watches them anymore, anyway!

News ratings

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dems in 49 of 50 states never even saw certification of eligibility for Obama as candidate

Can you say... ultimate example of corruption?!

No integrity in Obama administration is blatant.

I called the 800 # for Congress today after hearing about a problem on a news blog.

I called Congress immediately because the story had just been reported. When I called, I heard a message sking me to ask my Congressman to pass the treasonous health care bill! The politicizing of the Congressional answering center has never happened before. This is a # that people call to access their Democrat, Republican, or Independent representative.

1-800-828-0498 is the # to call for Congress. As of this writing, the message is still up! Call for yourself and demand to have this message removed like I did.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wonderful news...

Every time Fox News airs video footage of corruption in our government or related agencies, Politicians have been forced to take action and cease interaction with the exposed entity.

Yes, WE have the power. Yes, the politicians WORK FOR US!

YES, we will win this battle.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Never give up...

the slowest man on the planet!

One foot in front of the other...

Now Feds try to violate the First Amendment by ordering Humana not to communicate with members about healthcare...

Traitors teaching socialism to young school children...

SHOCKING video of a school teaching socialism to young school children. Children singing the praises of Obama and socialism. This must stop.

Socialist indoctrination video

This type of activity by leftists is the type of activity that will lead our country into civil war.

If the act of voting in the next few elections doesn't put a stop to this type of leftist, treasonous behavior, patriots will defend America.

They still don't get it?!

Hahahahahaha-HAH! The Baucus health care bill being proposed is now jammed up with almost 1000 pages like the previous health care bill...

... and John Kerry said yesterday that there is no point in reading it!

'Progressive' Democrats have also refused to post the bill online prior to voting! Many Republicans requested that Americans be able to read it prior to a vote. The Democrats don't want Americans to read it! They call interest in reading the bill by citizens like you and me a 'delay tactic'! Are you a DELAY TACTIC?!

Stay informed... and prepare to vote the traitors out of office... Democrat and Republican alike.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama... American Traitor

Today, Obama told the world at the UN that Israel needed to go back to its pre-1967 borders. He said that America tried to dominate over other countries and that it was a failed idea. He said that world-wide success since World War II due to American leadership was actually a failure.

America has never had such a blatant TRAITOR as its President.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Progressive indoctrination now playing in schools...

View it and puke. This liberal garbage is being forced into the skulls of our impressionable American children. Parents... give it a study. Teach your kids the truth about our country. Take a stand and DEMAND that this video be removed from the curriculum.

Big money is behind this video stemming from Jay Coen Gilbert, a social activist that owns many other liberal 'movement' websites. He is making moves to force businesses to become 'B Corporations' that support socialism.

You must make the fight against 'progressive' politics the fight of your life. It is THAT important. Take a stand. Patriotic Americans are with you!

Justic Dept. FINALLY launches ACORN investigation

Announced this morning, the Justice Department is launching an investigation into ACORN to determine if they fraudulently applied for and received federal funding. How do YOU think it will turn out?

The only reason that this is happening is due to the patriotic efforts of a 20 year old journalism student, doing REAL journalism, and a 25 year old videographer. They spent $1300 of their own money... and took a stand.

Monday, September 21, 2009

2nd amendment could have saved her...

This shocking video shows a woman in Russia being murdered by being hit on the head with a fire extinguisher over and over.

If she had been trained how to use a pistol and had one on her, she could have saved her life.

This is the future for America if 'progressive' politics take over.

Obama... coward.

So, Barry Soetoro (Obama) did the major Sunday morning news shows, including UniVision (Hispanic TV), but avoided the most watched cable news program, Fox News.

Obama is now a traitor, a liar, and now... a coward.

Friday, September 18, 2009

OPINION: America's Future

No news/video links in this commentary...


America's future has been directed by corruption on both sides of the aisle for years, but has been heavily influenced by leftists.

Technology like the internet and cable tv allow alert citizens to learn more and more about what is happening to our country. This technology allows us to continue what was begun on talk radio in the 80s... to learn about news independent from the old 'mainstream' median (which we now call the 'fringe' media).

You now have the POWER to be your own news director. You have the control over how and when you find your news. Our country is in such peril, that is has now become your DUTY to find real news and stay informed. It has now become your DUTY to speak without fear, even if it costs a few friends along the way.

Friends that don't want to hear your opinion have the right to turn away. They also have the right to respect your opinions, be adult about it, then continue with your friendship. If you have friends that no longer want to be your friend, just because you are TAKING A STAND for your country, they were not truly your friend to begin with.

The time for political correctness is OVER! Speak freedom. Speak TRUTH. Speak BOLDLY.

Do not falter.


Only YOU have the power to take a stand with others to save it. We are on the right path with investigative news outlets like Glenn Beck on Fox News,, and others. We are starting to make a move to expose corruption, but... YOU MUST BE IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL.

I DARE you to take a stand and continue to do the right thing to protect our country and protect fellow citizens.

Others are welcome to become authors on this blog and speak about conservative values and how we can continue to help our country heal from the evils of 'progressive' politics.

Contact me about how to become an author... no charge... just allegiance to our country and its Constitution.

monsoon ([at])

God bless this country and those that take a stand...

Jeff Bales
Tucson, Arizona

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zo on liberals and 'torture'

Obama has increased unemployment for CA farmers to 40%

He has cut off water to major farms to 'save' a 3" bait fish...

Too much fun...

Leftist douche-bag animated clip

America is on the way to being fixed...

Corruption on both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican, is about to be cut short.

On Glenn Beck's Fox News television program, Glenn announced that 2 federal government officials are now reporting to him about corruption. Here is the master stroke of genius by Glenn Beck and his staff... the names of the officials are being kept private. Why is that such a stroke of genius?!

It is genius because Washington watches Glenn's show... and now they know that at least 2 of them are reporting corruption stories to Glenn Beck's show... and it has not even been revealed as to which political parties they belong to!

Politicians now FEAR citizens. This is the way things should be. Politicians should always fear that they are not doing their jobs right. They should always fear being voted out of office... THEY WORK FOR US!!!!!

We surround them.

Replace Gabby Giffords to help strengthen our country...

More Ted Kennedy crap...

Teddy requested, just before he died, to allow his successor be chosen upon his death, rather than put it to election... just one problem... he worked to pass a law requiring elections in such circumstances! What a hippocrate. Click the pic for story:

Obama makes an hosest comment!

Obama calls Kanye West a 'Jack-ass'

Time lapse image of Patriots in DC on 9/12

This event was massive and marks the beginning of the end of corruption in our federal government. Many more years of work lie ahead of us. We MUST always be vigilant.

Patriots' 9/12/09 march on Washington D.C.

Welcome to Jeff Bales' new Conservative political blog.

I will be posting links to news articles and making personal comments about important issues that affect our country.

There will be politics, occasional humor, digital art, and rantings galore!

My intention will be to post information that Conservatives will find useful and help to unite them.

I take a stand for America and her Constitution through a conservative viewpoint. I will not take a stand for the Democratic or Republican party. I will support politicians that take a stand against corruption and take a stand FOR the Constitution.

WARNING: Liberal politics will be blasted. =)