Sunday, January 24, 2010

The glaciers are disappearing, the glaciers are disappearing!!!

Yes, we know that this is complete crap, but gullible, uninformed people still believe lies perpetrated by 'progressives' in their quest for a one-world government.

Yet another story about lies promoted by those 'at the top' of the scientific community reveals the corrupt 'global warming' movement.

Spread the word... 'progressives' are all little dictators that attempt to use feelings of guilt to control you. Every single 'progressive', even the ones that aren't aware of the corruption, are dangerous. Only education and communication fights the lies. Teach your children and family members. The 'progressives' that are aware of the corruption truly are traitors to our country. Neighbors, family members, and workers at your place of employment are involved. Your country is more important than they are. Be proud. Speak your mind. It is OK for them to get mad and storm out of the room, or throw a dinner plate. Their opinions do not promote freedom and only accomplish the opposite. YOUR voice is the one that has strength. YOU are the one that can motivate others to take a stand... you.