If you missed the incredibly important documentary about the death cult of 'progessivism', you can see it here: Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Please watch this documentary. Among other things, it points out how the highest in command in the Nazi party described their leftist movement as being only slightly different from communism. Do you remember what NAZI stands for?! Here you go... Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party). When 'progressives' attempt to slur a conservative outlook as being associated with Nazis... CORRECT THEM!
Note to 'progressives' that read this blog: If you continue to go down the path of 'progressivism' you are being a traitor to your country, children and grand-children. We live in America, a Republic that cherishes freedom more than any other place in the world. If you cannot support our country in this manner, get out of our way. Patriots around the country will stand against you at every turn. Let go of your treasonous beliefs and take a stand for your family and country's future. Don't vote for party, Democrat or Republican... vote for freedom from an oppressive government and excessive taxation. Take a stand with your local TEA Party patriots. There are many Democrats that have joined the movement along with Republicans, Libertarians, and others. If you embrace freedom and limited government, we will welcome you. If not, we will crush you at the ballot box. Choose freedom.