Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog activities are now moved to a solutions-based page on Facebook.

Give this some thought and contribute to this discussion: What are the positives and negatives of having a 'ordinary citizen' as President of our country? What could we accomplish? I serve as a guinea pig in the discussion. Read the info page to see the kinds of flaws that an ordinary citizen might have. Contribute to the discussions on the discussion page.

Thank you for following this blog's past activity.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gold standard...

In this blog you've read about how important it is to kill the Federal Reserve and get our country onto a standard like the gold standard. The Federal Reserve is what allows 'progressives' to control us. 'Progressives' are mostly in the Democrat Party, but many Republicans have also been traitors to our country.

Taken from wiki at:

"At the beginning of his career Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, was also a strong advocate of the Gold Standard as a protector of economic liberty:
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard. [52]
Advocates argued that the Gold Standard would constrain unsustainable and volatile fractional-reserve banking practices, ensuring that money supply growth ("inflation") would never spiral out of control.[53][54] Ludwig von Mises asserted that civil liberties would be better protected:
It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of rights. The demand for constitutional guarantees and for bills of rights was a reaction against arbitrary rule and the nonobservance of old customs by kings.[55]"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Watch this presentation... it is more important than what you were already planning on doing!

'Progressives' are responsible for the most mass deaths and executions in history...

If you missed the incredibly important documentary about the death cult of 'progessivism', you can see it here:  Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

Please watch this documentary. Among other things, it points out how the highest in command in the Nazi party described their leftist movement as being only slightly different from communism. Do you remember what NAZI stands for?! Here you go... Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party). When 'progressives' attempt to slur a conservative outlook as being associated with Nazis... CORRECT THEM!

Note to 'progressives' that read this blog: If you continue to go down the path of 'progressivism' you are being a traitor to your country, children and grand-children. We live in America, a Republic that cherishes freedom more than any other place in the world. If you cannot support our country in this manner, get out of our way.  Patriots around the country will stand against you at every turn. Let go of your treasonous beliefs and take a stand for your family and country's future. Don't vote for party, Democrat or Republican... vote for freedom from an oppressive government and excessive taxation. Take a stand with your local TEA Party patriots. There are many Democrats that have joined the movement along with Republicans, Libertarians, and others. If you embrace freedom and limited government, we will welcome you. If not, we will crush you at the ballot box. Choose freedom.

More leftist crap...

(stolen from )
  • On March 14, 2008, then Sen. Obama voted in favor of the 2009 budget which authorized $3.1 trillion in federal outlays along with a projected $400 billion deficit. The 51-44 vote that morning was strongly along party lines with only two Republicans saying "Yes."
  • When the final conference report was presented to the House on June 5, not one Republican voted for it.
  • This means the 2009 budget was almost exclusively approved by Democrats, with "Yeas" coming from Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
  • On October 1, 2008, Obama, Biden, and Clinton voted in favor of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program designed to prevent teetering financial institutions from completely destroying the economy.
  • In February, 2009, a $787 billion stimulus bill was passed with just three Republican votes, and later signed by Obama.
  • Weeks later, Congress approved and Obama signed $410 billion of additional spending.
Add it all up, and Obama approved every penny spent in fiscal 2009 either via his votes in the Senate or his signature as President.

Read more:

The glaciers are disappearing, the glaciers are disappearing!!!

Yes, we know that this is complete crap, but gullible, uninformed people still believe lies perpetrated by 'progressives' in their quest for a one-world government.

Yet another story about lies promoted by those 'at the top' of the scientific community reveals the corrupt 'global warming' movement.

Spread the word... 'progressives' are all little dictators that attempt to use feelings of guilt to control you. Every single 'progressive', even the ones that aren't aware of the corruption, are dangerous. Only education and communication fights the lies. Teach your children and family members. The 'progressives' that are aware of the corruption truly are traitors to our country. Neighbors, family members, and workers at your place of employment are involved. Your country is more important than they are. Be proud. Speak your mind. It is OK for them to get mad and storm out of the room, or throw a dinner plate. Their opinions do not promote freedom and only accomplish the opposite. YOUR voice is the one that has strength. YOU are the one that can motivate others to take a stand... you.

I'll take a couple of cases, please...

A few court cases still have traction pertaining to the fact that Obama is ineligible to be President. One of them that is still in the works is written about in this story:

It will be a sad day for America when it is finally revealed to the world (even if it's few years AFTER Obama's Presidency) that Obama is not a legitimate President. The truth must be revealed for our Constitution and other institutions to have integrity. Since Reid and Pelosi also know about the fraud, they will have to be brought to trial. They certified that he is eligible to one public group, and declined to do so to the electorate. These 2 separate documents were created within minutes of each other. This will reveal to the world the corruption that is rampant in Washington D.C., spearheaded by 'progressive' Democrats. It will destroy their political party for a few generations.

After it is understood nationwide, the process will begin to de-legitimize every single executive order and law that Obama signed onto. EVERY single act and function that he performed will be undone... every single one of them. The days of the illegitimate Obama Presidency will go down in history as the time when most citizens stood by and did nothing while a usurper was in control of our country. The usurper, Obama, worked to intentionally destroy the value of the American dollar, using Alinsky, and Cloward and Piven as inspiration to use treason to turn our country into a socialist society.

We are living in those dark times right now. Prepare for hyper-inflation and further attempts by 'progressive' traitors to literally destroy our country so that it can be rebuilt with the government having the power to completely control us.

'Progressives' enslave through large government. Every single vote counts. Spread the word... this is the fight of our lives. Take a stand for your children and grand-children yet to come. Protect America from 'progressive' traitors at every turn. Speak without fear.

Thank you to the 125-150 patriots that read this blog every single day. This is such a tiny blog, peppering a small amount of opinion into links from real news sites. Make sure to reach out into the news world and do your own research. It is also important to study propaganda websites like the Huffington Post, Little Green Footballs, The Daily Kos, etc., to see what traitors are up to. It is VERY important to understand how they twist and spin information. Stay informed. Stay true to America, the last truly free country. Defend it at all costs.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


J.D. Hayworth has officially thrown his 'hat in the ring' to run for Senator against John McCain!

Yes, we all know that Sarah Palin is supporting McCain, but keep in mind that she is keeping a promise made previously, during McCain's run for President, to support him later on if he ran for Senator again. I believe that it pains Palin to do so, but a promise is a promise.

We will be coming out to support J.D. Hayworth in force. TEA Party Patriots... STAND UP! J.D. quit his radio show yesterday to begin his  campaign. Begin joining FaceBook pages, etc., to spread the word.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Our President is a traitor.

For the last year, while DESTROYING  the value of the US dollar, all he and other 'progressives' have done nothing but try to push through an illegal, un-Constitutional, agenda of nationalized health care reform. If passed, it would have created THE WORLD'S  largest ineffective bureaucracy.

What Americans need are JOBS. Government has proven to be a failure at this through history, yet this ARROGANT 'progressive' administration believes that it can do it through excessive taxation, devaluation of our dollar, and TERRIFYING business owners and investors.


They refuse to 'come to the middle' even after a staggering defeat in Massachusetts. We will have to fight them to the end.

For the third time... was a unanimous vote to indict Obama on charges of fraud and treason.

163 voted to indict (me included).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

VERY important program on Friday...

...that will bring you up to speed on horrible things that have happened in our history that government-run schools didn't want you to know about.

Watch the Glenn Beck program on Fox News on Friday. If you miss it, you can watch it by around 6:45 PM at

Speak up!

First Amendment strengthened...

Traitors at AirAmerica are finally done...

"It is with the greatest regret, on behalf of our Board, that we must announce that Air America Media is ceasing its live programming operations as of this afternoon, and that the Company will file soon under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code to carry out an orderly winding-down of the business."

Traitor, Obama, allows a known terrorist to travel freely in our country...

This FREAK could have been our country's First Lady...

 if folks that oppose gay marriage do it out of 'H8' or hate.

In this case, it appears that the one  to hate is Senator McCain's wife, Cindy. Hey, you wacked-out, wild and crazy liberals... it's not about hate, it's about pro-family. Grow up.

'Progressive' Democrats plan to further weaken YOUR finances...

...yep. They are tying to waste another massive amount of money:

Ah, but they're Democrats! They only mean well. It's all about f-e-e-l-i-n-g-s and good intentions, right? We don't need to worry about FACTS here, folks. Move along.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Patriots win...

...this is one of the first battles won in the Second American Revolution. Traitors have been dealt a blow.

Scott Brown wins the Massachusetts Senate seat, formerly held by traitor, Ted Kennedy.

Obama may not even be able to be on the ballot next time around...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tonight, I voted to indict...

Along with other Grand Jury members, I voted to indict President Barack Obama on charges of fraud and treason. I also voted to charge the DNC and Pelosi with fraud and treason for conspiring to hide the fact that Obama is NOT eligible to be our President.

I will post final vote tallies after all Grand Jury members have voted.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Watch this video about Haiti from 2006...

...and you'll see what a crappy hell-hole this place was way before the earthquake. Haiti is hell on earth. We cannot fix it. We can help them temporarily with food,water and medical assistance, but no more. Corruption in their government, their way of life and crimes committed by the UN will continue.

'Progressives' here in America will want to spend our wealth on attempting to 'fix' Haiti. It will not succeed. Clinton tried with millions. Overall, we've spent billions prior to the earthquake. We cannot afford to ruin our own country over trying to fix Haiti.

'Progressives' of low integrity...

When I saw this the other day, I thought, "Yep. Typical." ...and it is.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moron, Danny Glover, blames the 'global warming' hoax for causing Haiti's earthquake...

Prediction related to politics, the tragedy in Haiti, and 'Progressives'...

These thoughts came to mind yesterday...

Americans, as citizens, will rally to support the Haitians as they struggle to heal from the earthquake;
our government will continue to assist as well through coordination of air flights and deliveries;
'progressive' politicians will begin to speak of 'fixing' Haiti (they've actually already begun doing that);
the 'fixing' will become the complete, total re-building of Haiti, including their homes, government buildings, and businesses;
the 'progressives' will begin to declare that those opposing the complete re-building of Haiti (at US citizens' expense) are hateful, racist, and mean-spirited;
the 'progressives' will try to use Haiti as a reason to promote their huge-government agenda, making our own government even more powerful, taking even more freedoms from us;
this is an opportunity for 'progressives' to try to continue to turn America into a full blown socialist society.

They will try it folks... it's just a matter of time.

'Global Warming' hoax exposed further...

Now, it appears that the Feds themselves have been deleting weather data from cold areas and high altitude areas to trick fools into thinking that the temperature is going up at an increasing rate:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Once again, I judge with other Patriots...

Last night, I entered as a Grand Jury member, the case to consider whether Obama is eligible to be our President. Each Grand Jury has had more and more evidence to consider. This round will be even more interesting. I will let you know the results as to whether we vote to indict Obama on charges of fraud and treason, or not.

So, do you think that liberals like or dislike Obama's agenda?

In general, it appears that only radical leftists approve of his agenda. Less-radical liberals are not coming out in support... the Senate seat that Ted Kennedy held is up for election in 4 days... and a conservative Republican who has declared that he will vote against Obamacare is in the lead... BIG-TIME.

Yes, folks. Even liberals in Massachusetts are done with the radical idea of Obamacare.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Barry Soetoro (Obama) honors bestiality...

...yep. He honored a gay activist that promotes bestiality. How 'Presidential'.

Tucsonans' opportunity to improve our city!

Event: Recall Petition Kickoff in the Park
       "Join us to gather signatures to recall Walkup, Uhlich, and Romero!"
What: Rally
Start Time: Saturday, January 23 at 8:00am
End Time: Saturday, January 23 at 2:00pm
Where: Reid Park, Ramada 28

Liberals plan to corrupt our election processes further...'s coming!

Kool-Aid drinking fool...

A Kool-Aid drinking fool (username: smrstrauss) started to post  in the comments section of one of my articles relating to Obama's eligibility. In my opinion, his diatribes showed that he is uninformed about the laws pertaining to the requirements of being a 'natural born' citizen and his feeble postings quickly became a waste of my time, which reflects that it would be a waste of your time as well. Since we don't need a comments section on this blog, open to Kool-Aid drinkers to post as well, comments are now turned off. If you want to 'drink the Kool-Aid' of major media outlets, feel free. You hear that type of ridiculous stuff everyday. This blog points to information that is typically not reported by leftist media outlets and other outlets (even Fox News fails to report on serious issues tied to Muslim terrorist groups due to one of its major share holders being a Saudi Prince).

smrstrauss, I hope that you keep reading the blog and do additional research rather than solely believing something that you read in the paper. The world is bigger, and more corrupt than you think... also, study more prior to ranting on blogs with uninformed diatribe.

Federal Reserve is stealing your wealth!

'Remember when Hillary was so upset about oil company profits? Now, the Federal Reserve (a private family owned bank, NOT a branch of our government) has posted MASSIVE profits from destroying our economy. It's true folks. We work to make the Rothschild family (based out of England) very, very, rich.

Michelle Obama Loses Law License

---article taken from:

Did you know that our First Lady Michelle Obama lost her law license back in 1993? Oh sure I knew that, "NOT." Sure, I saw this on the front page of the New York Times during the elections of 2008, "NOT." I've listed below from the State of Illinois's website of the court action against Michelle forcing her to give up her license. It's understood that in the box attacked below under Malpractice Insurance – "No malpractice report required as attorney is under court order inactive status."
In other words Michelle was under court order to give up her license and is not allowed to practice law in Illinois, period. I hate to use this word but its "rumored" that she was extorting clients. Again, it's "rumored!" It's also "rumored" that our President Barack Obama may have been disciplined for not divulging other names that he has used in the past. That really concerns me. He also has an inactive Illinois license to practice law (listed below).
This is so unfortunate for the Obama's, after all they are our first family and he is the first black/white President of the United States but I can't stop thinking that this guy and his wife are not who they say they are. They don't seem to uphold the integrity of our past first families, yes, even Richard Nixon for all you lefties out there.
The more I find on the Obamas, the more I feel that the FBI when doing their background check must have been sleeping at the switch. My research is finding reputable sources disclosing many of their past discretion's and questionable acquaintances.
Obamas background is questionable enough but do we now have to worry about his wife, also? My god do we have a den of thieves living in the White House?
If you want to check yourself, here is the link and just search under "Obama." Bingo!

Another illegal action taken by our usurper President...

He is illegally preparing for martial law and rule of the states under 10 sections, divided amongst 10 'Governors'. This is an illegal action. The Constitution forbids dividing the country into sections other than states. He is using FEMA divisions.

He has ordered 'cooperation' between the state and feds to control the National Guard. He is attempting to prepare for civil unrest.

Gee, do you think that there are reasons for civil unrest?!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Real change is in the air...

Patriots take a stand...

A brave Congressman has entered the boxing ring against Obama regarding eligibility!

Please contact him to lend your support.

I am preparing to serve on a third Grand Jury pertaining to Obama's eligibility.

Twice I have indicted our President for FRAUD and TREASON.

I declare that Obama is a usurper in the office of our nation's Presidency. I call you out, Obama, as a traitor to our country and a usurper of the Presidency. I dare you to show the world your birth certificate, not a certificate of live birth, as well as prove that you are a natural born citizen. You haven't done so, because all publicly available evidence PROVES that you are not eligible to hold the office of President. You will be remembered as our country's greatest traitor, along with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, complicit in their knowledge that you are not eligible to serve.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I read recently that our Founding Patriots killed thousands of young soldiers (Brits) during our American Revolution. In history there have been many lost to battle. Freedom from oppressors has a high price.

Once again, our country faces the enemy of an oppressive government, bent on outrageous taxation of its citizens and over-stepping the bounds of law.

Prepare, patriots.

Many historians talk about how it is a matter of when, not if, we are forced into a second American Revolution. Domestic enemies continue to push their illegal, un-Constitutional agenda upon the populace. Will the need for a Second American Revolution arise within your lifetime? Will it arise in the next few years? When it comes, will you be prepared to defend your freedoms?

So many of my friends can't believe the insane things that our own politicians are doing to our country. Strange and difficult times are ahead.

Prepare, patriots.


Well, now I'm prepared with a supply of goods in case the current winter freeze makes things worse at the market.

I'm also preparing to take the State class to get my concealed carry permit. I've been wanting to take it for a while and I'm now ready.

Of course, bullets are in high demand right now. I've bought quite a few of those so that I can continue to practice. There is no point in having firearms if you aren't up to date on your shooting skills.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Seed source

Prepare for the coming food shortage... you have about 4 months. The current freeze is making things even worse.

Buy bread making goods, rice, corn, beans, etc., and canned goods.

Today, I bought 5 Genesis Survival seed packages from:

I will be able to either grow these to help support the family or barter with them when things get dicey in the economic depression, merely months away.

The economic depression is almost upon us. It will me more severe, and longer lasting than the one you learned about in the 1930s.

It's time to get SERIOUS folks. PREPARE.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I nailed it...

Weeks ago, I said on my blog that I thought Glenn Beck would lead us all to understand the Federal Reserve and how it has destroyed our country.

TODAY, that is what he revealed.

Watch at:

Pay very close attention to this show. It will lead us to new ways to save our country.

Monday, January 4, 2010

This is how we take America back from the Federal Reserve...

Taken from a blog link listed lower:

Please review this one possible solution, via Constitutional Amendment, which has the advantage that the financial class is bought out and mollified, while empowering productive industries and individuals.

American Freedom Note Amendment

The fractional-reserve banking system, established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to oversee a debt-based currency, is obsolete and detrimental to the needs of the American people in the 21st Century. The very act of creating money by debt-assumption on the part of the citizenry gives unwarranted power to a financial elite and erodes the very foundations of the American Republic. The constantly increasing debt with its associated interest acts as a millstone around the neck of industry and stifles economic creativity, while rewarding the well-connected elite generously.

By amendment to the US Constitution, establish a new currency, the American Freedom Note.

All debt instruments (loan contracts, bonds, govt debt, etc.) originating in Federal Reserve banks, all existing Federal Reserve Notes and checking account balances, are exchanged for American Freedom Notes. Creditors forgo liens and are cashed out 100%. Debtors are exonerated, and assume 100% ownership of any encumbered assets, including---and most importantly--- the productive assets of the country (factories, farms, productive enterprises in general).

A fixed quantity of AFNs results from this system-wide exchange, and this currency is associated with the value of all previously encumbered assets. This new money supply can be loaned at interest rates determined freely in the marketplace, with the strict proviso that no fractional-reserve lending is allowed from that point forward under penalty of fraud.

Over time a natural deflation occurs and the American Freedom Notes, fixed in quantity by this Amendment, acquire increasing purchasing power.

Debt forgiveness, greed forgiveness. The financial elite are bought out, the rest of us indentured servants are freed, and most importantly, no blood in the streets and the American experiment in liberty with its enshrinement of the rights of the individual continues with renewed character!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Motherlode of economics studies found in online forum of economists...

This may be technical reading for some (including me) but it lays out the pending HUGE problems that are coming to us all.

You'll see what caused it all (progressive politics and bankers) and you'll see some solutions to problems.

Read on, folks. This is the best collection of articles that I've come across yet. Save your family. Read these articles. global_banking/the_twilight_of_irredeemable_debt_2008050890/ viewArticle&code=BRO20080315&articleId=8349

Interesting article worth reading and understanding (takes about an hour or so).

This article definitely requires that you do some of your own studying, some of which I've done, and will do more.

This article is about problems caused by our government and weakened dollar that are leading to quite a severe food shortage. I've read other articles by other writers over the last year that are similar... we can prepare for this now, but not later. It costs nothing to prepare since we have to eat anyway. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Read this article, folks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

How to prepare for the coming economic depression...

Buy guns and bullets, learn how to use them, cut up your credit cards, start saving money instead of spending, buy gold if you can, stock up on canned and dry foods,  get to know your neighbors better, take a stand for greater freedoms through demonstrations and voting for less government intervention, less taxation on business to spur on the economy and MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL... STUDY UP ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND DO YOUR PART TO HELP US PUT AN END TO IT!!!

Obama gave Interpol powers to supercede our own law enforcement the other day...

...and now we find out that Interpol has a political agenda and states that people that are 'anti-green' are criminals. Wow, a foreign police agency that has the power to say no to any US Gov't. agency wants to impose UN laws here?

Can you say, TREASON?!

Read this one, folks: