Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ACORN screwing us again...

'Remember Hoffman running as an independent against the 'progressive' Republican traitor, Scozzafava?

Everyone thought that he lost by just a little bit, right?

'Remember how Palin supported him and Scozzafava pulled out of the race, then supported the 'progressive' Democrat?

Well... ACORN had part in the voting process... and now that Hoffman asked for a recount... HUGE 'errors' are being found.

In some precincts where he was expected to do well, they forgot to log votes for him and registered 0 votes. In other precincts where he was down by 400 or so votes, Hoffman is now up by 1500 votes.

Will he win?! It looks like it could actually happen now that ACORN is out of the way.

Go figure.

Remove American traitors from the process, and things start to work.