(This is the legal effort where I was involved as a Grand Jury member)
PRESS RELEASE: November 21st, 2009 by American Grand Jury
STATE Kansas Court 18th District, Witchita, KS and the UNITED STATES District Court, Austin, Texas served
American Grand Jury has incorporated the Fitzpatrick criminal complaint and the Nancy Pelosi criminal conspiracy complaint within its Presentments.On November 19th, 2009 the American Grand Jury Criminal Presentments were served upon the Clerk of the United States District Court, William G. Putnicki, Austin, Texas and the Clerk of the State Kansas Court, 18th Judicial District, Bernie Lumbreras, Witchita, Kansas.
The "Affidavits of Process-Serve" can be seen here:
Texas US District Court Affidavit and Kansas State District Court Affidavit
The criminal charges of Eligibility Fraud and Treason (Barack Obama) and Conspiracy of Election Fraud (Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama) are now pending before these and numerous other Courts.
If acted upon, the Grand Jury Presentments would require that both Obama and Pelosi be criminally prosecuted.
American Grand Jury is actively pursuing decisions in a number of UNITED STATES District Courts in different States: District for Columbia, Western District of New York and Middle District of Tennessee.
More serves will be forth coming.
Visit http://ProsecuteObama.org for further details...