Monday, November 30, 2009

Interesting facts pertaining to Obama's lack of experience...

Submitted by Fred. A friend sends along the following chart from a recent J.P. Morgan research report. It examines the prior private sector experience of the cabinet officials since 1900 that one might expect a president to turn to in seeking advice about helping the economy. It includes secretaries of State, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, Interior, Labor, Transportation, Energy, and Housing & Urban Development, and excludes Postmaster General, Navy, War, Health, Education & Welfare, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security-432 cabinet members in all.
 " When one considers that public sector employment has ranged since the 1950's at between 15 percent and 19 percent of the population, the makeup of the current cabinet-over 90 percent of its prior experience was in the public sector-is remarkable. "

Look who rates the lowest in experience !!  Even GWB rated higher than Clinton --- hummm, looks like GWB wasn't what the media made him out to be.  No Experience Needed for Obama -- the biased media gave him a pass and claimed Sarah Palin has NO experience --  do you think the media lied to us, and still doing it?  Obama has NO clue how to bring the economy back.  He doesn't have to worry about it really, he, his administration, and the media will continue to blame Bush. So how's that HOPE & CHANGE working out for ya?